multi color female symbol women empowerment

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is you-er than you. (“Quote by Dr. Seuss: “Today you are you, that is truer than …”)

Your story is unique. No one else has the lived experience you have; has seen the things you have seen or heard the things you have heard.

And that is why, this Print HERStory month (March 2022) we need YOU to tell your story.

You can read the official press release here

You might be thinking, “Ah – there’s nothing that special about my career path, my jobs, my work.”

But you would be wrong. So, so wrong.

There are so many great reasons for you to tell your story – for you to share your experience, your advice, even your mistakes with the fierce fabulous women in the graphic arts industry.

There are lessons there. There is wisdom there. There is SUCCESS there.

Imagine if, through telling your story, you were about to help someone else who is struggling, confused, or having difficulties making a crucial decision about her future.

Because this year the theme at Girls Who Print is MENTORSHIP.

And that means that the programming, the podcast, the events, the blog, and the questions that we ask for #PrintHERStoryMonth will all surround advice, mentoring, and your lived experience.

So please, take some time to sit with these questions.

And when you are ready, please commit them to paper, or the screen, and send them to us. Everyone deserves to have their story heard, read, and acknowledged.

And I promise you, your story matters, and it can help others.

It’s a WIN-WIN.

Here are the questions we are asking everyone to submit, along with a high-res headshot




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Please share advice for young women considering or starting a career in print… Which includes design, sales, marketing, and all jobs within.

How have mentors helped your personal and career development?