Name: Alicia Santos
Title: Print and Mail Manager
Company: Woolworths Group Limited Australia
LinkedIn URL:

Did you choose print or did print choose you?

I personally haven’t met any woman who thought they would end up in the print industry. And I am no exception. Starting as a humble PA in a thriving Sydney design agency, the MD wanted to increase profit by offering existing artwork packaging clients a print management service. Enter Alicia, stage left.

Having received two printers’ business cards, a 10-minute conversation from my MD on how to spec a print job. I was all set to begin my print career! I loved working with printers and marketers, learning all about proofs, knife lines and thriving in the fast-paced deadline-driven environment.

How do you establish credibility with customers, colleagues and bosses?

Honesty, trust and maintaining solid relationships. I never over-promise and under-deliver. Being yourself and treating people with the same level of respect and attention, no matter their position in a company is a philosophy I hold dear. If you are shown to be trustworthy and prove to be honest, people will realise you are genuine and are committed to delivering their project or job. Having a laugh and showing interest in the people you work with also helps.

What advice can you offer regarding negotiating salary raises/addressing fair pay issues?

Be prepared. Review your job description.

What are you completely smashing? List it!

What are you doing that does not fall in your current remit?

What will you be doing in the future that will add value or grow profits for the business?

Be confident in your ability and what value you add.

You can be humble while highlighting your successes.

What advice did you receive early in your career that you wished you had followed?

Be confident and stop doubting yourself!

I can’t remember how many times my Managers, colleagues, and friends have repeated this to me! You know your stuff, you have the ability, why are you doubting yourself? What for?

I still need to remind myself that I know what I’m talking about and to stop with the negative thinking. This is a recurring theme in many of my girlfriends’ careers. We are experts in our field, we have the experience, but when it comes to expressing ourselves in an open forum, we begin to question it. Don’t!