womens print herstory month

NAME: Kim Tuzzo
TITLE: Marketing/Programs Director
Company: Printing Industries Alliance
Company URL: https://pialliance.org
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimtuzzo

Did you choose print or did print choose you?

I was hired by PIA in a bar when I was in high school.  I didn’t know enough at that point to choose anything!

How do you establish credibility with colleagues, clients and bosses? 

Admit it if I don’t know something and always follow up on a promise.

In 50 words or less tell us your mission for elevating Print this year.

Much of my job involves planning in-person educational and social events. Bringing printers together to socialize, make connections and share experiences is part of what makes this industry a great one. My vision is that we are back to safe, in-person events soon and, being hopeful, PIA already has a few tentative dates on the calendar.