Kathy Karner Maven of Storytelling Boxilocks LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathykarner/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment as a woman in print means I have the same rights and access to industry knowledge, education,...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Amybeth Menendez, Macmillan Publishers
Amybeth Menendez Print Workflow Specialist Macmillan Publishers LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amybethmenendez/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment means having the confidence, knowledge, and support to take charge of...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Rachel Acevedo, Ace Media & Marketing
Rachel Acevedo Founder & CEO Ace Media & Marketing LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelmarieacevedo/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? To me, empowerment means active and visible support. Sometimes as a woman, we may...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Bethany Wheeler, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Bethany Wheeler : Graphic Communications Program Director - Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin-Stout LinkedIn profile: www.LinkedIn.com/in/BethanyWheeler What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? To me, being empowered means you have the...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Adilia Coleman, The Works
Adilia Coleman Owner Partner and Financial Director The Works What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Means being a business owner in a small environment, overcoming the challenges not only in moving to a new country but also working in a new field....
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Sandy Hubbard, Help Print Thrive
Sandy Hubbard Founder of Help Print Thrive LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandyhubbardpublisher/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? True empowerment means never having to prove your worth by accepting less or feeling as though you...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Erin Pellegrini, DS Graphics | Universal Wilde
Erin Pellegrini Creative Services and Marketing Manager DS Graphics | Universal Wilde LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-pellegrini-044b134/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? As a woman in the printing industry, I believe...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Rita Nwozor, Prints By Pounds
Rita Nwozor Founder, Head of marketing and sales, experienced customer service personnel Prints By Pounds LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rita-nwozor-3040bb1bb What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? As a woman in printing, doing a...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Molly Zarins, Loffler Companies
Molly Zarins Production Training Specialist Loffler Companies LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mollyzzarins/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment (to me) means having the confidence and resources to make meaningful...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Christa Nuckols, UVA Print and Mail Services
Christa Nuckols: Senior Director of Print and Mail Services UVA Print and Mail Services LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christa-nuckols-4777467 What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment means using my voice to create growth...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Julie Cerino, Ultraflex Systems Incorporated
Julie Cerino Midwest & Great Lakes Territory Sales Manager Ultraflex Systems Incorporated LinkedIn profile: linkedin.com/in/Julie-cerino-409a616 What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment means embracing the knowledge, confidence, and...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Michelle Dotinga, HP
Michelle Dotinga Business Development Specialist, Los Angeles, Orange County & Las Vegas HP Digital Print LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dotinga/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? For a while, I had to push forward even if I...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Laila Zekaroui, Student & Job Seeker
Laila Zekaroui is a senior in the trade Graphic Design at H.C. Wilcox Technical High School LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laila-zekaroui-5b8a3b28b/ What does empowerment mean to you? Empowerment for me means to be confident. Whether it be in my...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Santa Buka, SDD B.V.
Santa Buka International Sales & Marketing Manager SDD B.V. LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/santa-buka-5266a953/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? To me, it represents fresh opportunities, innovative ideas and exciting new...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Anne Fouss, Kenwel Printers
Anne Fouss Director of Marketing and Business Development Kenwel Printers, Inc. LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annefouss/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment in the printing industry means redefining limits, embracing...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Theresa Zurn, Zurn Visual
Theresa Zurn CEO Zurn Visual LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/theresa-zurn-ab9494168 What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? I believe in this moment, empowerment means having the freedom to innovate, share ideas, and bring artistic visions to...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Amy Palmer, Region 7 ESC Print Center
Amy Palmer Print Center Technician l Region 7 ESC Print Center LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-palmer-129a06298/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment for women in the print industry signifies having both a voice and a...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Pamela Krol, University of California San Francisco, Documents & Media
Pamela Krol Operations and Business Manager University of California San Francisco, Documents & Media LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-krol-67038424/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment as a woman in the...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Jules VanSant, Bubble & Hatch, TwoSides North America
Jules VanSant Bubble & Hatch Two Sides North America LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julesvansant/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Using our voices, our strength, our unique perspectives and helping us evolve into the...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Michaela VanHeel, Target Printing Services
Michaela VanHeel Prepress Manager Target Printing Services LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaela-vanheel-50aa3126/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Always exceeding the expectation. Understanding my worth and how that...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Morgan DiGiorgio, DirectMail2.0 & Who’s Mailing What!
Morgan DiGiorgio Chief Revenue Officer DirectMail2.0. Who’s Mailing What! LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/morgandigiorgio/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment in this industry isn't just about personal achievement; it's...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Lucy Swanston; Nutshell Creative, Topic Heroes
Lucy Swanston Managing Director of Nutshell Creative and Topic Heroes, Chair of The Strategic Mailing Partnership LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/lucyswanston What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment means having the confidence to...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Janelle Schlosser, Job Seeker
Janelle Schlosser https://www.linkedin.com/in/janelle-schlosser5185/ The position you are seeking / Location: I am seeking a Print Buyer/Procurement or Print Project Coordinator. I want to match projects with a trusted pool of vendors, obtain quotes, determine the...
#PrintHERStoryMonth 2025: Meet Melissa Fedeli, High Point University
Melissa R Fedeli Manager of Print Operations High Point University LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-fedeli-8b4460169/ What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing? Empowerment, especially as a woman in the printing industry, means...