Women's Print HERstory Month Girls Who Print

Wendy Graves President

inSIGNia Wholesale www.insigniawholesale.com

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-graves-739327bb/

How do you help customers and partners succeed with their print and marketing endeavors?

I believe a successful partnership starts with yourself taking your brand and marketing seriously. I am always trying new creative things as a testing ground to help my clients. If I know the success and failures of a product or idea I can better support them. Listening is also key and knowing the questions to ask to get to the end goal.

What ONE word describes your professional mission for 2023 – and why?

ENOUGH. I believe, like a lot of women, we lack self-power and self-confidence to-believe we are enough. I started the Women In Signs, Etc. Group and Podcast to connect and give back and quickly found myself worried I didn’t know enough, I am not smart enough.. this year that stops. My faith says I am, so this year in 2023 I am going to live out what enough looks like!

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