Jules VanSant Bubble & Hatch Two Sides North America
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julesvansant/
What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing?
Using our voices, our strength, our unique perspectives and helping us evolve into the future as a vibrant, relevant industry! We have a huge responsibility and right to provide equal access to all — personal, verifiable and meaningful news, information and communication using tangible deliverables in print, graphics and mail. Be disruptive, don’t accept “no” or “we’ve tried that before.”
Can you share a moment in your career when you felt truly empowered?
Honestly, every day, I feel empowered, given my revenue-driven and volunteer positions! I serve on many boards and non-profit advocacy organizations that encourage youth, community, industry, and educators to remain excited, engaged and know that collectively, as a community, print, paper, and graphics are viable and engaging. I am always looking for new openings to have an impact, and I feel solid that I am heard in much of what I do! I love the enthusiasm that comes with crossing all groups and promoting how together we all will rise into the future. Working with the Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation in particular, I get to see the hundreds of student design boxes, poster and t-shirt entries, scholarship applications, and grant requests… this tells me educators still want to teach print design/graphic communications and students are sweetly surprised once exposed to the possibilities in print.
What resources or programs have helped you grow in your career that you would recommend to young women?
Build community locally and nationally — use this amazing Girls Who Print organization to build a network of like-minded, strong, smart, supportive women who have a shared history and future that only we can appreciate and understand. Be inclusive to all through in-person and social networks, no matter who they are, but always stay true to yourself, and you will attract those who will elevate your person and your career. Be brave and take risks to ask for more responsibility at your organization, step out of your comfort zone, and explore groups that complement your interests. Share your journey with those coming behind you at the elementary, high school, college levels when you can. Mentor and be mentored!
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