Staci Budrow Digital Prepress Lead DCG ONE, LLC
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What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing?
Empowerment as a woman in printing means being a part of the industry minority and knowing that by being here, I’m helping to change that. Every woman that chooses a career in print leads us further away from the outdated gender expectations and stereotypes, and closer to equality and inclusivity.
Can you share a moment in your career when you felt truly empowered?
Early in my career, I had a meeting with a new client to discuss some printed pieces that I would be designing for him. As he was shaking my hand during our introductions, he told me outright that he’d be my toughest customer because he’s impossible to please. I spent our entire planning session with that in the back of my mind, worried that I’d lose the account, but I gave it my best shot anyway. I was determined to create something he would approve. Not only did he end up liking my ideas, but he also turned out to be one of the easiest-going clients I’ve ever worked with.
What resources or programs have helped you grow in your career that you would recommend to young women?
My greatest resources throughout my career have been my co-workers. Being inquisitive of what they do in their roles put me in a better position to do well in mine. When I take the time to learn and understand the ‘why’, I can connect the dots more meaningfully and use that information both to expand my knowledge and to help everyone succeed.
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