girls who print women in print print herstory month

Stéphanie Chaillaud Sales Learning manager Canon EMEA

LinkedIn profile:

What does empowerment mean to you as a woman in printing?

Empowerment means for me feeling confident and grabbing every opportunity I can to grow and succeed in a very male-dominated world.

Can you share a moment in your career when you felt truly empowered?

There are many moments in my career where I felt truly empowered, but one I can remember is at an event in the Middle East. I had to make a presentation about one of our latest toner presses in front of about 150/200 customers. I was wondering what the reactions would be, imagine, a western European woman talking about business in print. I was confident about myself and my added value, but I was curious what kind of impact I would create. And guess what, once the presentation was done, I was surrounded by people who wanted to know more, ask my advice, and share my experiences in the print business in Europe. A great evening full of fruitful business discussions.

What resources or programs have helped you grow in your career that you would recommend to young women?

The first advice I would give would be to build and grow an international, diverse network. This is key to success. Contribute to professional groups, that opens your horizon.

Get a mentor who can guide you and make you benefit from their experience.

Grab any opportunity to learn, there are great platforms to do so. We have internal ones in our company, our own learning platform, but also the Percipio platform (from Skillsoft).

As I was interested in leadership, I followed some programs from Harvard too. I did follow some interesting workshops from Simon Sinek during Covid that helped me refine my purpose.

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