womens print herstory month

Name: Gina Weise
Title: President and Owner
Company: Kramer Madison
Company URL: https://www.kramermadison.com
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kramer-madison

Did you choose print or did print choose you?

Print chose me. I started at Kramer in 1987 while I was still in college. At the time, they needed a part-time bookkeeper. Kramer was just implementing their first MIS system and needed to run their accounting parallel during the onboarding process. I was hired to do the manual bookkeeping but became instrumental in establishing accounting procedures for the new MIS system and was ultimately given a full-time position.

How do you establish credibility with colleagues, clients and bosses?

With my staff, I feel it’s important to lead by example. There have been many times throughout my career, even recently after purchasing the company, that if help is needed to complete a project, you’ll find me working right alongside my team. I believe in empowering my employees and always looking for their input for ideas and solutions.

For clients, I feel I bring a different perspective. I’ve been on the financial side of the business for the majority of my career. It wasn’t until most recently that I shifted into sales. With my background in finance, I am not your typical account representative. I don’t have a polished sales pitch. But I feel that I’m able to share different insights and perspectives with the objective of building trust and confidence.

In 50 words or less tell us your mission for elevating PRINT this year.

I’m excited to add new capabilities to the business knowing we can pair those creatively to offer new, unique design solutions. We can’t wait to share with our clients how these opportunities will benefit their marketing goals.