Andrea Connor WW Solutions Marketing Manager, Kodak

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What do you do?

I joined the industry via Kodak just over 2 years ago and have thrown myself into the fun world of print. As the worldwide solutions marketing manager, I get to create marketing strategies to tell the world about our amazing solutions. Listening to customers, developing new ways to communicate our stories, and working closely with a diverse group of people means I explore the print industry from many angles.

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

As a marketer, it’s important to stay up to date on the changes that affect how we communicate. In-person and virtual events regarding the future of print, direct mail and email marketing, as well as specialty conferences focused on storytelling, have guided my career development. Working on new projects, and testing the boundaries of what we are used to, continues to elevate new ways of looking at a problem. Also, I’m fortunate that Kodak has a great learning platform and encourages employees to attend professional development outside of what is offered internally. Ultimately, I think the most important part of professional development is maintaining an open mind and willingness to adapt to new challenges.

What investments have you made in your personal development?

There are many facets of personal development but, for me, one of the most important is mental and emotional wellbeing. Self-awareness – checking in with yourself during stressful times, happy times, and everything in between keeps me grounded. Staying active – I love to hike and be outside – and having interests outside of work inspires me when I’m at my desk but also allows me to decompress and reconnect with people and things important to me. I’m also an active volunteer – expanding my network, learning new skills, and helping the community where I live.

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

Investing in women within the print industry is a strategic move that can drive innovation, foster diversity, and ultimately enhance business performance. When the print industry offers resources, mentorship, and training programs specifically designed for women, it opens the door to a wider range of talent. We get to welcome new perspectives and ideas, injecting fresh energy into our work. The labor market for print and supporting careers is shrinking and while succession planning for those in the field is ramping up, women need to play a larger role in guiding what happens next. Beyond social responsibility, prioritizing women is essential for staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market, where diverse voices and experiences are increasingly valued and sought after.

When we actively cheer women to take on leadership roles and give them chances to grow in their careers, we’re setting a powerful example for the next generation. By doing this, we’re not only ensuring that the print industry stays vibrant and meaningful for years to come but also tapping into a well of talent that can take us to exciting new heights. It’s not just about being morally right; it’s about unleashing the incredible potential that lies within every one of us, and that’s a game-changer for all of us in the print industry.

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