Tami Marek-Loper, President, The Marek Group and HighNote

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamimarekloper/

What do you do?

I am the co-owner of The Marek Group, the parent company to a family of brands in the marketing execution space – The Marek Group, HighNote, and Triptych. We provide sales and marketing content in print, mail, digital communications, promotional products, apparel, events, and more. We offer both a sales enablement software solution for our clients as well as global fulfillment and distribution.

I have been in the printing field for over 30 years and have seen our industry grow and change into a highly automated manufacturing industry bringing solutions outside of ink on paper. I specialize in tech and data within our industry to bring marketing supply chain solutions for efficiency and scalability. I am a thought leader and visionary thinker for both my company and my clients.

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

I started my career on the shop floor at my father’s company in high school. I learned the business from the ground up! My education allowed me to bring technology into the company and launch our digital printing division as well as our first web-to-print platform. I also realized that software and value-added solutions did not have to be given away to “get the print”. So, we changed our model, bought eight companies that broadened our reach in all marketing services, and became a true marketing execution company – way beyond the printed page.

I was a 40 Under 40 recipient in the Milwaukee market as well as a two-time Titan Business Award winner in 2023 and 2024. HighNote is a Certified Woman Owned Business and I am proud to be alongside the small group of women printing business owners.

What investments have you made in your personal development?

I am a mother, wife, and advocate for my community. I am looked to for leadership in everything I do. Whether it be helping the school foundation grow, being the “team mom”, running fundraising events, providing business advice, or bringing marketing programs to community organizations, I love to help people realize their dreams and achieve more than they think possible.

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

I believe women in print should be encouraged to be in sales and pushed to go outside of their comfort zones to capitalize on the fact our industry is comprised of 70% or more women buyers. Why are men dominating selling to this demographic in the highest-paying jobs in our industry? Women who opt for this path, are very successful! They are well-liked and trusted by their women buyers and often make life-long relationships that are rewarding for both parties. Sales training, networking opportunities, and sales spotlights will help foster confidence in young women to pursue this career path. Helping clients achieve their goals is very rewarding and the opportunity for unlimited income is a reality for those choosing print and marketing sales.

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