Ketsia Chavarría Bravo Onboarding consultant, Twist Print

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What do you do?

Actualmente soy consultora onboarding para Twist Print, un ERP para la industria gráfica 4.0. A través del proceso de onboarding potenciamos las capacidades no solo técnicas sino también humanas de nuestras/os usuarias/os.

I’m an onboarding consultant for Twist Print, an ERP for the 4.0 printing industry. Through the onboarding process, we enhance not only the technical but also the human capabilities of our users.

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

Con el respaldo de la Gerencia de Twist, he logrado estudiar cursos en UX y una maestría en Herramientas TICs enfocadas a la educación

With the support of Twist’s management, I have been able to study courses in UX and a master’s degree in ICT tools focused on education.

What investments have you made in your personal development?

Inversión en acompañamiento psicólogo, espacios de autocuido y espacios de estudio relacionados a otros temas de interés más allá del trabajo con imprentas

Investment in psychology, self-care spaces, and study spaces related to other topics of interest beyond the work with printing presses.

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

Considerar como tiempos productivos las labores de cuido hacia una misma y hacia otras/os miembros de la familia. Comprender que son personas, no solo recursos humanos.

Consider as productive time the work of caring for oneself and other family members. Understand that they are people, not just human resources. Women are important elements that transform their environments through the integration of knowledge, skills, and passion.

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