by Kelly Mallozzi | Girls Who Print, Women in Leadership, Women in Print
By now you may have learned that Girls Who Print is now a woman-owned 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and this is big news to be sure. So now you might be asking yourself, “Should I opt to sponsor this newest version of the organization that has been...
by Deborah Corn | Girls Who Print
Hello, Girls Who Print and Happy 2023! It’s a new year and we have some Girls Who Print news and info to share. After several years of dedicated service to our community, Kelly Mallozzi is stepping down as Girl #2. Kelly has my sincere gratitude for the impact...
by GWP HQ | Girls Who Print, Girls Who Print Blog, public speaking
Post by Lois Ritarossi, CMC, President High Rock Strategies The thought of public speaking terrifies many people. As someone who has been speaking at industry events for many years, my advice is to seek out opportunities to speak in front of industry peers. While you...
by Kelly Mallozzi | Girls Who Print, Girls Who Print Blog, mentoring
2022 is the Girls Who Print Year of Mentorship and we have been talking about it, programming about it, and turning words into action. What you may not be aware of, is there are many types of mentoring relationships. Today I am going to outline some different ways...
by GWP HQ | Girls Who Print, leadership, Women in Leadership
On Tuesday, August 18th, 2022 #GirlsWhoPrint hosted a live panel discussion in partnership with a multitude of industry organizations as well as PrintIQ. You can read the press release here. We invited some key attendees to share their thoughts and impressions...
by GWP HQ | Authenticity, feminism, Girls Who Print, leadership, Women in Leadership
This blog post originally appeared on Kim Wunner’s own blog. You can find her here What is Authenticity and what does it have to do with leadership? And, further, why would it be courageous? I am 100% interested in women leading. I am also equally...
by Kelly Mallozzi | Girls Who Print, mentor, mentoring
Today we are providing resources for the mentor/mentee relationship; a key mission for #GirlsWhoPrint this year. We here at #GirlsWhoPrint are so glad to have matched over 50 mentor/mentee pairs so far this year. You can read another piece we did earlier this year...
by Deborah Corn | Girls Who Print, Women in Leadership, Women in Print
I have been watching in horror as the rights of Girls Who Print – and all women – are being trampled on as forced pregnancy becomes the law of the land here in the United States. The Supreme Court ruling is coming in June and the protests and marches that...
by Kelly Mallozzi | Girls Who Print, mentor, mentoring
Embarking on your mentorship journey Mentorship matching is happening over here at Mentor Matching Central (Aka Kelly’s kitchen), fast and furiously. For many of you who have already been matched, you might be struggling to get the conversation started with your...
by GWP HQ | #PrintHerStoryMonth, Girls Who Print, Print HerStory Month, Women's Print Herstory Month
Name: Caitlyn Decowski Company: Grit Printing and Direct Mail Company URL: LinkedIN URL: Please share advice for young women considering or starting a career in print… Which...
by GWP HQ | #PrintHerStoryMonth, Girls Who Print, mentoring, Print HerStory Month, Women in Print, Women's Print Herstory Month
Name: Brooke Hurley Company: Grit Printing and Direct Mail Company URL: Please share advice for young women considering or starting a career in print… Which includes design, sales, marketing and all jobs within. In the beginning it...
by GWP HQ | #PrintHerStoryMonth, Girls Who Print, mentoring, Print HerStory Month, Women in Leadership, Women's Print Herstory Month
Name: Monica O’Connor Title: Print & Mail Manager Company: Money Pages Company URL: LinkedIn Profile URL: ...