Anna Hockett Director of Business Development, Racami

LinkedIn Profile:

What do you do?

I help people solve critical business issues with the help of my software solutions that Racami has built for the market. I help people and companies work smarter and not harder with the help of technology. I help businesses create automated workflows and efficiencies throughout their organizations so that they can drive revenue, have happy employees, and grow!

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

I have attended many conferences as well as read books and listened to podcasts about leadership, positivity, and team building. I also speak about some of these topics.

What investments have you made in your personal development?

I strive to be the best I can every single day. Whether it’s writing in my journal every single morning and night, or making sure I put my yoga practice or workouts in my calendar for my mental and physical health, I am committed to the things that make me the best version of myself possible. I have my vision board in my eye line every day, I have only missed one Monday of my #mondaymotivation posts on LinkedIn, and I also have my personal goals on my whiteboard in my office that is see every day. I have invested in equipment at my remote office that allows me to continue to have my goals top of mind: Yoga mat, standing desk, under-desk treadmill, hand weights, a candle, speakers that work off of wifi instead of Bluetooth so I can have music on all day, the right kind of lighting, and many others.

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

Women are the future of this industry. It’s proven that women have more natural empathy than men, and when tasked with certain things, can accomplish said tasks more efficiently and effectively. Women also struggle with a significant amount of pressure. If we invest in women there is no telling what the limit is.

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