Jesse Habarth Production Manager, Handy Bindery

LinkedIn Profile:

What do you do?

This question often arises among my friends, family, and peers, especially those unfamiliar with the print industry and its intricacies. As for me, I take charge of production at my company. Our team comprises primarily working mothers who excel in print finishing, handiwork, packaging, and various related tasks.

We serve as the go-to resource when businesses find themselves short-handed or pressed for time to complete projects. Unlike many print shops that rely on temporary workers, we maintain a consistent staff that ensures reliability and quality in every job we undertake. Our strength lies in our network, forging connections with numerous printing, fulfillment, and manufacturing partners who rely on our expertise to get the job done.

In essence, we bridge the gap between clients and the printing industry, delivering results with precision, efficiency, and a touch of personal dedication that sets us apart.

My job is to problem-solve, and make sure you don’t need to worry about your job while it’s in our hands!

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

Transitioning from the medical field to the print industry four years ago was a significant leap for me, and it came with a steep learning curve. However, I’ve embraced the challenge wholeheartedly and made substantial investments in my professional growth.

Working alongside remarkable individuals in the print industry, including our company’s owner, Suzanne Canu at Handy Bindery, has been invaluable. Their mentorship and expertise have provided me with a wealth of knowledge and insights into the intricacies of print finishing, handiwork, and packaging.

Furthermore, I’m committed to continuous learning and improvement. Attending conferences, such as those organized by industry leaders, has allowed me to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the print industry. Additionally, I make it a point to visit various print facilities and connect with other printers in our area, fostering relationships and exchanging ideas that contribute to my ongoing development.

In essence, my journey in the print industry has been characterized by a dedication to learning, growth, and seizing every opportunity to expand my skills and expertise.

What investments have you made in your personal development?

As a wife and mother of three, my greatest investment in personal development has been prioritizing what truly matters to me: my family. Transitioning into a new career path in the print industry was motivated by the opportunity to work closer to home, with flexible hours, and alongside an incredible group of supportive women.

Despite the demands of my profession, I make it a point to carve out time for my family, ensuring we spend quality moments together. Hiking in nature with my loved ones has become a cherished activity, allowing me to recharge and reconnect with what truly rejuvenates me: the outdoors and my family.

I firmly believe that investing in personal well-being is essential for professional success. By replenishing my spirit in nature and enjoying precious moments with my family, I return to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle challenges with renewed energy and perspective. This holistic approach not only enhances my problem-solving abilities but also contributes to my overall fulfillment and balance in life.

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

I believe the print industry can proactively make investments in women by implementing the following strategies:

Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Actively work towards creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture where women feel valued, respected, and supported in their roles. This involves fostering an environment where all employees, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities for growth and advancement.

Provide Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs specifically tailored to support women in the print industry. Pairing female employees with experienced mentors who can offer guidance, advice, and career support can be instrumental in helping them navigate their careers and overcome obstacles.

Offer Training and Development Opportunities: Invest in training and development programs designed to enhance the skills and capabilities of women in the print industry. This can include workshops, seminars, online courses, and on-the-job training initiatives aimed at building technical expertise, leadership skills, and industry knowledge.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Recognize the unique challenges faced by women, particularly those balancing work and family responsibilities, and offer flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting, flexible hours, and job-sharing options. Providing flexibility can help women better manage their professional and personal commitments while maintaining a fulfilling career in the print industry.

Create Networking and Support Forums: Establish networking events and support forums specifically for women in the print industry to connect, share experiences, and provide mutual support. These platforms can serve as valuable resources for mentorship, professional development, and career advancement opportunities.

Advocate for Gender Equality in Leadership: Work towards achieving gender equality in leadership positions within the print industry by actively recruiting, promoting, and retaining talented women in leadership roles. Representation at the top levels of leadership is crucial for driving organizational change and fostering a culture of inclusivity and equality.

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