Michelle Bocchino Director of Marketing, DirectMail2.0

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellebocchino/

What do you do?

As Director of Marketing at DirectMail2.0, I get more eyes on our prize, which is an omnichannel marketing solution for direct mail campaigns! We love print, but integrating cutting-edge digital technologies makes it much more effective… and way cooler! It’s no longer “the future,” it’s THE NOW, and we make it easy.

What investments have you made in your professional career development?

I joined the Executive Board of my local Postal Customer Council, the Tampa Bay PCC, which promotes communication and education between the mailing industry and the United States Postal Service. We have regular meetings, educational programs, and informative events to keep members aware of the latest Postal Service developments. It’s also an effective networking platform. I encourage everyone in this industry to join their local PCC! Membership is free!

What investments have you made in your personal development?

I played for a women’s roller derby league! I also served as co-owner, coach, trainer, promoter, and the most passionate cheerleader. Imagine managing a group of 50+ women, ages 18 to 80, from various backgrounds and with all different personality types, striving to smash each other on the track! I learned so much about myself and leadership. It was also an entertaining way to stay in shape, by skating 5-to 6 days per week, leading off-skate training exercises, and exploring new team-building activities such as Fun Runs, Mud Wars, Hot Yoga, Bubble Soccer, etc. It was the best 7 years of my life!

How can the industry proactively invest in women, and why should this be a priority?

Any predominately male industry is lacking a completely different perspective! Men’s and women’s brains operate uniquely so more women in print brings about new ideas to further the industry. It needs to start with girls in school being taught that print is not dead! It can be a possible career path, especially now with all the modern integrations that are making print exciting again!

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