womens print herstory month

Name: Kaylene Kylie Lloyd
Company: Remata Print & Communication
Company URL: http://www.remata.co.za
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaylene-kylie-lloyd-a502b7128

Did you choose print or did print choose you?

In my family, I am the 4th generation in “Print”, so ink is in my blood. “Print” chose me. Boldly! And there was no escaping the calling of colour.

How do you establish credibility with colleagues, client’s and bosses?

Innovation, passion, and being up to date with the latest trends in tech and print.

Being drawn to numbers and design has allowed me to show and demonstrate artistic & strategic streamlined campaigns which always seem to open up creative minds to endless possibilities.

In 50 words or less tell us your mission for elevating Print this year.

My mission for elevating print in 2021 would be to showcase the link between print & technology by creating tangible brand awareness and consumer journeys all based on a “human experience”. My love for variable data and personalization is a measurable and emotional evoking element that drives my personal objective.