womens print herstory month

NAME: Valerie Long
TITLE: Executive Assistant, Sales & Marketing
Company: Specialty Print Communications
Company URL: www.specialtyprintcomm.com
LinkedIn Profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-long-4241941b

Did you choose print or did print choose you? 

Print definitely chose me.  I became enamored with print while in college.  This was when artboards were used as layouts, typesetters did just that – set type, and there were no computer graphics, not even clip art.  I began to examine every magazine, piece of mail, etc. on which I could get my hands.  I carried my Pocket Pal, 12th Edition around with me like a bible.

How do you establish credibility with colleagues, clients and bosses? 

I establish credibility by not just talking the talk, I walk the walk.  I know more than a little about paper, ink, processes, presses, etc. in addition to my office skills.  I am able to interact with my colleagues, clients, and bosses in whichever manner is necessary based on their needs. I have a brief-and-simple spiel about printing when explaining to an outsider. I enjoy continuing to learn about changes in the print industry and read white papers and articles for my own edification.  Learning continues to be enjoyable!

In 50 words or less tell us your mission for elevating Print this year.

My mission is ongoing – the time I find to spend on LinkedIn I post articles or information on print, direct marketing mail, etc. with encouragement to check out what I’m sharing.  I’m confident printing is as captivating to others as it is to me and I want to share my ongoing fascination!